Okinawa Grand Mer Resortオキナワグランメールリゾート

All rooms at Okinawa Grand Mer Resort come with a balcony, and are fully equipped with internet and English, Chinese, and Korean television channels. With many bilingual staff available, the hotel is a popular choice among international guests.Grand Mer’s lunch buffet is so popular, even locals make their way on weekdays to wait in line. At night, guests can enjoy live performances by local entertainers. Okinawa Grand Mer Resort provides the comfort of a resort hotel and services that allow guests to get a taste of the local charm.
郵便番号 - 904-2174
- Address
住所 - 2-8-1 Yogi, Okinawa-shi
- 098-931-1500
営業時間 - Check-in:14:00 Check-out:11:00
チェックイン:14時~ チェックアウト:11時
- Closed
定休日 - Not determined
Deigo Hotelデイゴホテル

2015 marked the 49th anniversary of Deigo Hotel. Located parallel to Park Avenue in Okinawa City, this long-standing hotel (which opened in 1966 as a small hotel with 18 single rooms) goes by the motto “Highly functional, yet casual.” Having increased the number and types of rooms available, and enhancing their amenities since they opened, Deigo Hotel makes every effort to see things through the eyes of their guests and continues to evolve. Deigo Hotel is what you would call a “high-quality B-grade hotel,” a concept that allows guests to feel at home. Their popularity can be credited to this unique approach, and with local cuisine upgraded to hotel-quality, you’ll find it easy to relax in Deigo Hotel’s atmosphere. Their 24-hour public bath is also popular among local customers.
沖縄市中央パークアベニューの入り口に近いところにある、創業48年になる「デイゴホテル」。1966年にシングルルーム18室から始まった小さなホテルが、現在も「機能性の高い、普段着のホテル」をモットーに、客室タイプを増やし、アメニティグッズを充実させるなど、ゲスト目線で日々進化しています。また、「上質のB級」をコンセプトに、「沖縄に暮らしているようにすごせる」という感覚や、沖縄庶民にお馴染みのB級定食メニューをホテルクオリティに昇華させることにより、リラックスして過ごしてもらえる雰囲気を作っています。 このようなユニークな取り組みが人気を呼んでいるほか、24時間営業の大浴場は親しみやすい価格と眺望の良さから地元客の利用率も高いそうです。
郵便番号 - 904-0004
- Address
住所 - 3-4-2 Chuo, Okinawa-shi
- 098-937-1212
営業時間 - Check-in:after 14:00 Check-out:by 11:00
チェックイン:14時以降 チェックアウト:11時まで
- Closed
定休日 - Not determined
Crown Hotelクラウンホテル沖縄

Crown Hotel is a popular choice among international guests, so much so that they have hired full-time English-speaking staff to better serve their guests. Even foreigners (who are generally bigger than local Okinawans) feel a sense of satisfaction with the size of the rooms. With high ceilings and double beds in even single rooms, the level of comfort is popular with Japanese guests. Many often become repeat-guests.All rooms are equipped with Wi-Fi making it possible to use the internet as soon as you arrive.The hotel restaurant is loved by local customers and serves Japanese, western and Okinawan cuisine. Their steak and Okinawan cuisine are the most popular choice among guests.
バイリンガルスタッフが常駐するほど、外国人客の多いホテル。体の大きな外国人でも満足できる、造りの大きさが人気の理由。天井は高く、客室はシングルルームにもダブルベッドを採用。そのゆったり感が日本人にも好評で、一度泊まるとリピートする人が多い。 全室無線LAN完備なので、沖縄に到着してからの情報集取も可能。ホテル内のレストランには、和洋中、沖縄料理と何でも揃っており、地元の人々にも親しまれている。中でも、ステーキと沖縄料理が評判。
郵便番号 - 904-0031
- Address
住所 - 4-1-51 Uechi, Okinawa City
- 098-933-2551
営業時間 - Check-in:14:00 Check-out:11:00
チェックイン:14時 チェックアウト:11時
- Closed
定休日 - Not determined
Olympia Hotelオリンピア観光ホテル

Situated next to a small community park in a quiet alley running off Route 330, Olympia Kanko Hotel is a comfortable place to relax and unwind after a day full of business and sightseeing activities. There are many traditional Okinawan houses with red tile roofs surrounding the hotel, and you are highly recommended to take a stroll around the area and enjoy the unique atmosphere that the town of Koza offers. The highlight of a stay at Olympia Kanko Hotel is their large-portioned breakfast and dinners featuring a delicious mix of Japanese, Western, Chinese and Okinawan cuisine. With easy access to Koza Sports Park and Okinawa Comprehensive Athletic Park, regular hotel guests include groups of athletes who come to train in Okinawa. Providing a conference facility for up to 50 people with a 100-inch LCD television, the hotel is also an ideal accommodation for business travelers. Hotel guests can enjoy the benefit of using the conference room free of charge. The laundry room on the first floor is open 24 hours for the convenience of long-term guests in particular.
郵便番号 - 904-0021
- Address
住所 - 1-19-19 Goya, Okinawa City
- 098-938-7117
営業時間 - Check-in:Anytime Check-out:12:00
チェックイン随時 チェックアウト12:00
- Closed
Hotel New Centuryホテルニューセンチュリー

Located on National Road 330, Hotel New Century is Okinawa City’s executive hotel surrounded by downtown tourist attractions. Fully-equipped with 60 parking spaces, and internet access available in all rooms, its level of convenience makes it a popular choice among guests on business trips. A printer, computer, and free coffe and tea are available in the lobby.
郵便番号 - 904-0021
- Address
住所 - 2-1-43 Goya, Okinawa-shi
- 098-933-5599
営業時間 - Check-in:16:00 Check-out:11:00
チェックイン:16時 チェックアウト:11時
- Closed
定休日 - Not determined
Sunrise Hotelサンライズ観光ホテル

The furnishings and classic design of sign plates fill guests with a sense of nostalgia. Many visitors come to stay at Sunrise Hotel simply to enjoy the building itself. The hotel restaurant and bar are popular among guests and locals alike.
郵便番号 - 904-0021
- Address
住所 - 2-1-46 Goya, Okinawa-shi
- 098-933-0171
営業時間 - Check-in:14:00 Check-out:10:00
チェックイン:14時 チェックアウト:11時
- Closed
定休日 - Not determined
Hotel Kozaホテルコザ

Hotel Koza is a business hotel based on the concept of “Reliability, Safety, Comfort, and Hospitality.” Thorough security measures are taken, with three main areas of the hotel—the front entrance, elevator, and rooms—managed by a card key. Breakfast is provided for free to all guests staying at the hotel.
郵便番号 - 904-0031
- Address
住所 - 2-1-29 Uechi, Okinawa City
- 098-932-0053
営業時間 - Check-in:from 15:00 Check-out:at 10:00
チェックイン:15:00~ チェックアウト:10:00