Southeast Botanical Gardens東南植物楽園

A garden with a long history, Southeast Botanical Gardens was renewed in 2013. Admire the largest row of King Alexander palm trees in Japan or enjoy a number of hands-on activities.With over 35 acres of land, this park features many precious and subtropical plants, as well as animals such as capybara and squirrel monkeys.
Giant Palm Trees like from the Days of the Dinosaurs
When you step foot into Southeast Botanical Gardens, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, a paradise of lush plants spreads before you. Inside the vast gardens, you can enjoy beautiful nature that can only be experience here. In the “Botanical Garden” and “Water Garden” areas, varying types and scales of subtropical and tropical plants are exhibited in a natural environment—many that cannot be seen anywhere else in Japan, like the four to five-meter tall dragon blood tree and Japan’s largest row of king palm trees. Although strolling through the gardens is enjoyable enough, consider enhancing your experience with a walking tour or cart tour (500 JPY).
A Variety of Hands-on Experiences
Not only can you observe rare plants at Southeast Botanical Gardens, but you can also enjoy many hands-on workshops, including “Botanic Bottlium” where you can experience planting in a glass container, and “Pot Plants” where you paint a flowerpot of your choice and create an original potted plant.In addition, there are plenty of attractions for kids, like a giant bounce house and Kinetic Sand, as well as seasonal events like the “Insects of the World” exhibition and an outdoor inflatable pool.
"Fuwa-fuwa Bouncy" - Okinawa’s First Bounce House Playground -
ふあふあバウンシー - 県内初の常設エア遊具
This summer, Okinawa’s first outdoor bounce house playground made a grand appearance inside the garden’s “Paradise Park” area. In addition, there is a large inflatable kiddie pool measuring 20 meters (about 65 feet) in diameter nearby, so kids can enjoy playing in both areas.
Experience Kinetic Sand - The Mysterious Sand Loved by All Ages -
体験キネティックサンド -
大人もハマる不思議な砂遊び -
We recommend playing with Kinetic Sand, which has recently become a hot topic for its developmental effects on children, and de-stressing effects on adults. Playing with sand not only encourages the growth of children’s expressive capabilities and imagination, its unique texture has the ability to relax people of all ages. Even adults love Kinetic Sand. Feel free to come and experience it yourself.
郵便番号 - 904-2143
- Address
住所 - 2146 Chibana, Okinawa City
- 098-939-2555
営業時間 - 【SUN~THU】9:00~18:00 (final entry 17:00)
【on FRI, SAT & day before public holiday】9:00~22:00(finaly entry 21:00)(open daily)
- Closed
定休日 - Open year-round(※Hours are subject to change without prior
Okinawa Zoo & Museumこどもの国

Established in 1972, Okinawa Zoo is Japan's southernmost full-scale zoo. It includes giraffes, elephants, hippos, and other popular animals, and they also exhibit animals unique to Okinawa. The children's science museum―Wonder Museum―is Okinawa's first museum for kids where children (and of course adults as well) can enjoy learning about science. The facility also includes a Children's Center that focuses on volunteer work. The zoo occasionally holds traditional Ryukyu horse racing, which is said to have a history of about 300 years starting from the Ryukyu Kingdom era up until the period before World War II. At the museum, special exhibits, events, and workshops are held based on themes of science, art, and philosophy to stimulate the minds of children. Then, during the summer season, visitors can experience "Satur-zoo Night" when the zoo is open until 9:00 pm every Saturday, so you have a rare chance to see how the animals behave at night.
郵便番号 - 904-0021
- Address
住所 - 5-7-1 Goya, Okinawa-shi
- 098-933-4190
営業時間 - 【April~September】9:30~18:00 (Gates open until
【October-March】9:30-17:30 (Gates open until 17:00)
- Closed
定休日 - Tuesday
Eisa Museumエイサー会館

The Eisa Museum located on the first floor of Koza Music Town is a facility where people can enjoy hands-on learning about the history and culture of eisa. The first floor is a free-of-charge zone, while the second floor requires a small fee to enter. You will find a variety of eisa-related items available on the first-floor souvenir corner, as well as a lounge area where you can learn basic information about eisa. An event space where different workshops can be held is also available. The second floor includes various hands-on exhibits including an "Eisa Rhythm" area where you can simulate eisa with dancers on a big screen, an “Eisa Music” booth where you can search and discover eisa music unique to each district, and even a VR exhibit. In addition, there is a photo spot where you can wear eisa costumes, and a section where you can learn the history of Okinawa’s renowned Zento Eisa Matsuri (All-Island Eisa Festival). The second floor is filled with materials that allow you to learn about eisa while having fun, too. There is no other facility in the world offering such rich information related to eisa like Eisa Museum. Please visit and discover Okinawa’s deep tradition of eisa.
郵便番号 - 904-0031
- Address
住所 - 1-1-1 Uechi, Okinawa-shi
- 098-989-5066
営業時間 - 10:00~21:00
- Closed
定休日 - WED (if WED is a holiday, THR will be closed instead), New Year's Eve and New
Year's Day
Plaza House Shopping Centerプラザハウス

Opened in 1954, the Plaza House Shopping Center was Japan's first shopping mall to open under US administration. There are 43 unique stores, including Roger's who import fashion items and accessories directly from Paris and Milan. There are also stores which sell Okinawan souvenirs as well as brands that are only sold in Japan, offering customers the latest trends.
郵便番号 - 904-0023
- Address
住所 - 3-1-2 Kubota, Okinawa City
- 098-932-4480
営業時間 - 10:00~20:00
- Closed
定休日 - undetermined (varies according to store)

Yellow license plates dating from pre-1972 U.S. military vehicles, yoghurt bottles, milk glass items, and more. Each item exhibited tells the story of life during the 27-year U.S. military occupation of Okinawa. In the neighboring HISTREET II building, Bunyo Ishikawa's postwar photographs of Okinawa are exhibited along with everyday items from the period.
郵便番号 - 904-0004
- Address
住所 - 1-17-17 Chuo, Okinawa-shi
- 098-929-2922
営業時間 - 11:00~19:00(12:00~13:00 Lunch break)
11:00~19:00(12:00~13:00 昼休み)
- Closed
定休日 - MON and public holidays
Otoichiba Music Studioミュージックタウン音市場

Music Town is one of the main landmarks of Okinawa City. Otoichiba is located on the third floor of the building and is complete with 3 studios that are used by a wide range of musicians.Studio 1 serves as a recording studio, while 2 and 3 are practice studios. The rooms can be used for practice or simple recordings for all types of music. The spacious rooms can also be used for dance practice or to even hold workshops.
沖縄市が推進する“音楽によるまちづくり”の一環として、平成18年に沖縄市のシンボルとして設立された、多目的音楽施設 コザ・ミュージックタウン3Fにあるコンサート・ホール。トップクラスの音響、照明、舞台設備を誇り、最大1,100名収容可能なスペースを配したフロアは、スタンディング使用はもちろん、イス、テーブルを使用した自由な客席レイアウトが可能で、メジャーからインディーズまで県内外のさまざまなジャンルの多数のアーティストがライブを開催しています。また、同施設内1Fの音楽広場や、大型ビジョン「沖縄市ミュージックタウンビジョン」の管理も行っています。
郵便番号 - 904-0031
- Address
住所 - 1-1-1 Uechi, Okinawa City
沖縄市上地1-1-1 3F
- 098-932-1949
営業時間 - 10:00~24:00(depends on the event)
- Closed
定休日 - Not determined
Koza's Gate 2 Streetゲート通り

You can see foreign visitors interacting with other people in front of stores with English signs. On this road, which continues on from Gate 2 of Kadena Air Base to the Goya Crossing you can still see the remnants from the time of the former American rule. There are many stores which still show the "A sticker," which gave official permission to run a business. There are many music cafes and when payday comes around at the end of the week, young American servicemen can be seen swarming the street. As the main venue, "The Okinawa International Carnival" is known as one of the hot spots.
コザゲート通りはその名の通り、米軍基地のゲート(出入り口)を起点とする通りで、その先は国道330号線と交わる大きな交差点になっています。その十字とに街の象徴ともいえる「コザミュージックタウン」が建っており、沖縄市中心市街地はそこを中心に広がっています。いわばコザの表玄関ともいえる通りです。 そして、基地の門前町の表玄関にふさわしく、今でも外国人相手の店や、外国人経営者の店が並び、異国情緒溢れる景観です。はじめて訪れた方は外国のような印象を受けることでしょう。70年代から80年代にかけては、通りにには外国人相手のショーパブが多く営業していたそうです。今では、ショーパブの壁画や看板はゲート通りの撮影スポットとしても人気。色とりどりの看板と、そこに記されている横文字。外国人経営者が多いので、そのデザインセンスや店構えは、やはり外国人ならでは。まるで外国を歩いているようです。通りは、今でも外国人相手の飲食店やクラブが並んでいるのですが、外国人向けの衣料品店や、雑貨屋さんも多いのが特徴。なので、中には日本で扱っていないような掘り出し物も...
郵便番号 - 904-0031
- Address
住所 - 1 Uechi, Okinawa City
- depend on shop
営業時間 - depend on shop
- Closed
定休日 - depend on shop
Okinawa City Library沖縄市立図書館

The Okinawa City Library reopened in May 2017 after relocating to the first floor of Okinawa City’s Korinza building. The demand to meet the diversifying needs of citizens increased over many months and years while the library was located on the second floor of the Okinawa City Culture Center. Many citizens requested for the construction of a new library, and in order to answer to their voices, the city formulated an “Okinawa City Public Library Basic Development Plan” in March 2015. The library then moved from the Uechi district to its location today, inside the old Korinza building in the Chuo area, and reopened as the bigger and improved library we see today. The library’s total floor area is about three times bigger than its previous location, and the number of books has increased by 30,000, bringing the total up to about 230,000 books. It is the largest one-floor library in the Kyushu region. In addition, the facility has a kids room where parents and children can play and read, so the whole family can enjoy spending time in the library. Why not enjoy walking around the city, and stop by the new library—the biggest of its kind in Kyushu?
Koza Wi-Fi Service Area
Free Wi-Fi is available in all areas of the library!
Parking Information
You can use the building’s indoor parking lot when visiting the Okinawa City Library. Please bring your parking lot ticket to the counter to receive a three-hour discount.A free public parking lot near the civic center is also available. (Open 10:00-24:00)
沖縄市立図書館をご利用の際、お車はコリンザ屋内駐車場がご利用になれます。カウンターにて3時間の割引を行いますので駐車券をお持ちください。その他、市民会館近くに公共駐車場もございます。(利用時間10時-24時 無料)
Nearest Bus Stop
Public Bus: Goya Bus Stop (5-minute walk to the library)
Downtown Community Bus: Korinza Bus
Stop (in front of the library)
郵便番号 - 904-0004
- Address
住所 - 2-28-1 Chuo, Okinawa City (old Korinza Bldg)
- 098-929-4919
営業時間 - 【TUE~FRI】9:30~20:00【SAT & SUN】9:30-18:00
【火~金】9:30~20:00 【土・日】9:30~18:00
- Closed
定休日 - MON, public holidays, June 23 for Irei-no-hi, New Year