Eat Vegetarian飲食店 ベジタリアン
Café Ōuchiカフェおうち

The menu items available at Ōuchi (meaning “home” in Japanese) are reminiscent of Japanese home-cooked meals that warms the heart. The meals are very health-conscious—so much so that you may be tempted to eat here every day. They pay special attention to using locally produced ingredients as much as possible, and their delicious coffee is a product of their commitment to finding the perfect blend through much trial and error. Please let staff know if you have any food allergies—they have an alternative menu available as well.
郵便番号 - 904-0004
- Address
住所 - 1-33-3 Chuo, Okinawa City
- 098-960-3363
営業時間 - 11:00~17:00(L.O 16:00)
- Closed
定休日 - Sunday, Monday

When the weekend rolls around, you'll find Roguii packed with customers seeking to rejuvenate their mind and body from the stresses of daily life with fresh, delicious food.Roguii's fusion cuisine refuses to be limited by any genre, and you can enjoy dishes that are generously served in unique Okinawan-made "Yachimun" earthenware. Try one of their three daily lunch specials that combine healthy and gently-flavored ingredients. The exquisite combination of sweet, sour, and spicy flavors of their recommended red curry goes beyond what you would expect from the looks of it.The unusual interior decor conjures up images of foreign lands and is loved by many. They occasionally have live music, too. The delicious bread made with natural yeast make great take-home gifts as well!How about enjoying an early afternoon lunch, and refresh as you gaze over the lush garden filled with sunlight?
郵便番号 - 904-2174
- Address
住所 - 2-11-38 Yogi, Okinawa-shi
- 098‐933‐8583
営業時間 - 09:00~17:00
- Closed
定休日 - Tuesday
Ima Cafeimaカフェ

Delicious dishes at Ima Cafe are painstakingly prepared to enchance the original flavors of ingredients. Their "Chicken and Vegetable Soup Curry" has just enough spice to give it edge, while their selection of sweets is also popular. Ima Cafe's concept is to make people feel at home―to treat it as their "living room" ("ima" in Japanese).
郵便番号 - 904-0031
- Address
住所 - 3-2-26 Uechi, Okinawa City
沖縄市上地3-2-26 A-3
- 098-989-1534
営業時間 - 11:30~18:00
- Closed
定休日 - Monday
Miyanchi Studio & Coffeeみやんちスタジオ&カフェ

This cafe, produced by Kazufumi Miyazawa (the vocalist for the band THE BOOM), was opened in August 2012. They offer a varied menu featuring a specialty of Ishigaki Island: no-soup noodles or "Karasoba," but with an original twist that even kids will love. The restaurant is entirely barrier-free, making it highly accessible for customers with wheelchairs and strollers. They also have priority seating for family with small children. Miyazawa's beloved guitar and sanshin, and many of his CDs and books he has authored adorn the space.With a view of the beautiful Okinawan ocean, you are sure to enjoy your meal in the spacious restaurant.
2012年8月にオープンした「みやんち STUDIO&COFFEE」は、沖縄と縁の深い「THE BOOM」の宮沢和史さんが、沖縄での情報発信拠点としてプロデュースするカフェ。オリジナルメニューが豊富で、石垣島でよく食される汁なしそば「カラソバ」は、宮沢さん自身が考案したレシピを中心に、お子様でも食べられるメニューも含め10種類のバリエーションがあります。お子様連れ優先の座敷席があり、またオールバリアフリーなので、ベビーカーや車椅子の方でも安心してご利用できます。愛用のギターや三線、これまでにリリースしたCDや著作本など多数展示しています。沖縄の明るい日差しが差し込む開放的な店内で、本来の沖縄そばの麺の美味しさと食感をお楽しみ下さい。
郵便番号 - 904-2174
- Address
住所 - 1-29-22 Yogi, Okinawa-shi
- 098-923-1382
営業時間 - 11:00~17:00
- Closed
定休日 - Tuesday, Wednesday
Birdland Cafeバードランドカフェ

The food at this cafe is prepared by the handsome owner-chef who has experience in hotel kitchens as well. You can enjoy a varied menu that includes dishes that are all carefully prepared. All rooms are non-smoking, and one of three private rooms has plenty of kid's toys to play with. What's more, the owner makes delicious cocktails thanks to past bartending experience!
郵便番号 - 904-0021
- Address
住所 - Goya 7-4-3, Okinawa-shi
- 098-933-0232
営業時間 - 11:30~23:00
- Closed
定休日 - Thursday
Daikon no Hana健康食彩 だいこんの花 美里店

Daikon no Hana Misato branch, located in Higashi, Okinawa City, opened in 2006. This buffet restaurant serves safe, healthy, and delicious meals using organic and pesticide-free vegetables and tofu from private, local farms. The salad bar includes a variety of vegetables grown in Okinawa or private farms. Appetizers, meat, and fish dishes are mild in flavor, and you can enjoy standard Okinawan cuisine such as tebichi (pig feet), Okinawa soba, stir-fry dishes, and an array of other foods. In addition, their handmade desserts are refined sugar and trans-fat-free. You and your family will leave full and satisfied, and feeling good about the meal you just had! Child-seats are also available, so families with little ones can dine comfortably as well.
沖縄市東にある、2006年にオープンした健康食彩「だいこんの花」美里店は、今帰仁村の「自社農場」と「ものずくり工房」で作られた有機無農薬野菜や島豆腐など、安心で安全な食材を使用した美味しくてカラダにも優しい料理が並ぶ自然食ビュフェレストランです。 自社農場や沖縄県産の野菜を中心とした豊富なサラダコーナーを中心に優しい味付けの前菜や肉料理や魚料理また沖縄の定番料理であるテビチ(豚足)や沖縄そば、チャンプルーなどメニューも豊富に取り揃えています。 上白糖やトランス脂肪酸を使わずに手づくりしたデザートも用意しておりますので、家族みんながご満足頂けるレストランです。 豊富なメニューがあり、小さいお子様用の席があるので、安心してファミリーでご利用できます。
郵便番号 - 904-2154
- Address
住所 - 2-5-8 Higashi, Okinawa-shi
- 098-929-3133
営業時間 - Dinnertime: 18:00~21:30 (Closes at 22:30) *Dinnertime on SAT, SUN &
holidays: open from 17:30
ランチ11:30~14:30(16:00閉店) ディナー18:00~21:30(22:30閉店) ※土・日・祝はディナー17:30
- Closed
定休日 - Not determined
Mởcửa sổMởcửa sổ(モクアソ)

You can get a taste of real Vietnamese food at Mởcửa sổ, located in Okinawa City’s Hiyagon area. Enjoy this café with a group of friends, or come relax by yourself. Among the wide variety of items available on the menu, you’re recommended to try their liver pâté and egg sandwich. It’s a healthy, hearty meal, and if you love cilantro, you won’t be able to get enough of it! The café is a renovated old American military housing―a trend among cafes and shops in Okinawa―and customers can relax and enjoy their meals in the cozy, at-home atmosphere with a Vietnamese twist. According to Vietnamese customers, the quality of Vietnamese food has been declining due to the rising use of chemical additives and preservatives in recent years. They say Mở cửa sổ’s food reminds them of the home cooked meals mom and dad would make in the good ol’ days. Feel free to drop in for some genuine Vietnamese food!
沖縄市比屋根にあります「Mởcửa sổ(モクアソ)」は、ベトナム料理喫茶店で、みんなでも一人でも、楽しくご利用出来る喫茶店です。豊富なメニューのなか、店内おすすめ商品は「レバーパテとタマゴのサンド」。ボリューム感たっぷりな具材でヘルシーなレバーパテとタマゴのサンドはパクチー好きには、たまらない一品。店内は、沖縄独特な外人住宅をリホームしたオシャレでリゾート感を味わいながら、ベトナムの雰囲気に包まれてまったり食事を楽しめる空間です。ベトナム人のお客さんからも『今のベトナム料理は、化学調味料を使う料理が増えてきているからおいしくない。モクアソの料理を食べると、昔お父さんやお母さんと家で食べていた手作りの味を思い出すよ』と言われる程、ベトナム人をもトリコにします。皆さまお気軽にご来店ください♪
郵便番号 - 904-2173
- Address
住所 - 6-13-10 Hiyagon, Okinawa-shi
- 098-953-0619
営業時間 - 11:00~18:00
- Closed
定休日 - Tuesday, Wednesday

Located along Gate 2 Street, Rashinban serves authentic medicinal curry during the day, and can be enjoyed as an izakaya at night. The medicinal curry was created by a pharmacist, nutritionist and medicinal foods coordinator, and is highly popular among locals. Among them, the most popular curry is the “Spinach Soy Milk Green Curry” served as noodle soup. The spicy soup is a delicious way to fight Okinawa’s summer heat! Achieve beauty and health with Rasinban’s curry! They also provide medicinal food platters designed specifically to match your body starting from ¥1,500 if you schedule an appointment a week in advance.
郵便番号 - 904-0004
- Address
住所 - 2-16-1 Chuo, Okinawa-shi
沖縄市中央2-16-1 2F
- 098-937-0040
営業時間 - 17:30~24:00(L.O.23:00)
- Closed
定休日 - Wednesday, Sunday

At this soup specialty shop, you can enjoy delicious hot soup made with love and care. Their original recipes call for carefully selected ingredients, and the chef is committed to fully drawing out each natural flavor. Their hearty soups include plenty of vegetables, and your appetite is sure to be satisfied when eaten with bread or multigrain rice. Soup Soup is certainly a shop where you can enjoy a delicious meal.
郵便番号 - 904-2173
- Address
住所 - 3-20-1 Yogi, Okinawa City
- 098-930-0668
営業時間 - 10:30~20:00
- Closed
定休日 - Open year round